• کابینۀ شخصی

تقویم اقتصادی

ساعت کشور دوره ریداد نرخ پیشبینی گذشته
5 ژوئیهٔ 2019
01:30 AUD calender forex June AIG Construction Index 43.0 40.4
02:30 JPY calender forex June Household Spending y/y 4.0% 1.4% 1.3%
08:00 JPY calender forex June Leading Indicators 95.2% 95.3% 95.9%
09:00 EUR calender forex June German Factory Orders m/m -2.2% -0.1% 0.4%
09:45 EUR calender forex June French Trade Balance -3.3B -4.8B -4.9B
10:00 CHF calender forex June Foreign Currency Reserves 759B 759B
10:30 GBP calender forex June Halifax HPI m/m -0.3% -0.4% 0.4%
15:30 CAD calender forex June Employment Change -2.2K 10.0K 27.7K

Employment Change

  • بهتر است، اگر:

    معنی > پیشبینی

  • منبع:

    Statistics Canada

15:30 CAD calender forex June Unemployment Rate 5.5% 5.5% 5.4%

Unemployment Rate

  • بهتر است، اگر:

    معنی < پیشبینی

  • منبع:

    Statistics Canada

15:30 USD calender forex June Average Hourly Earnings m/m 0.2% 0.3% 0.3%

Average Hourly Earnings m/m

  • منبع:

    Bureau of Labor Statistics

15:30 USD calender forex June Non-Farm Employment Change 224K 162K 72K

Non-Farm Employment Change

  • بهتر است، اگر:

    معنی > پیشبینی

  • منبع:

    Bureau of Labor Statistics

15:30 USD calender forex June Unemployment Rate 3.7% 3.6% 3.6%

Unemployment Rate

  • بهتر است، اگر:

    معنی < پیشبینی

  • منبع:

    Bureau of Labor Statistics

17:00 CAD calender forex June Ivey PMI 52.4 56.2 55.9
18:00 USD calender forex Fed Monetary Policy Report